What Can I Apply to an Abcess Wound to Keep It From Closing Up Again

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Incision and Drainage of Abscesses

Heidi Wimberly, PA-C


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  • Introduction
  • Equipment
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • The Procedure
  • Complications
  • Pediatric Considerations
  • Postprocedure Instructions
  • Coding Information and Supply Sources
  • Bibliography


An abscess is a bars collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue. Most abscesses are found on the extremities, buttocks, chest, axilla, groin, and areas prone to friction or pocket-size trauma, but they may be found in any expanse of the body. Abscesses are formed when the skin is invaded by microorganisms. Cellulitis may precede or occur in conjunction with an abscess. The two near mutual microorganisms leading to abscess formation are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus. Perianal abscesses are commonly caused by enteric organisms. Gram-negative organisms and anaerobic bacteria also contribute to abscess formation.

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Handling of an abscess is primarily through incision and drainage (I&D). Smaller abscesses (<5 mm) may resolve spontaneously with the application of warm compresses and antibody therapy. Larger abscesses volition require I&D as a result of an increase in collection of pus, inflammation, and formation of the abscess cavity, which lessens the success of conservative measures.

Untreated abscesses may follow i of two courses. The abscess may remain deep and slowly reabsorb, or the overlying epithelium may attenuate (i.due east., pointing), allowing the abscess to spontaneously rupture to the surface and drain. Rarely, deep extension into the subcutaneous tissue may be followed by sloughing and all-encompassing scarring. Bourgeois therapy for small abscesses includes warm, wet compresses and anti-Staphylococcal antibiotics. I&D is a time-honored method of draining abscesses to relieve pain and speed healing. Routine cultures and antibiotics are usually unnecessary if an abscess is properly drained.

After I&D, instruct the patient to spotter for signs of cellulitis or recollection of pus. Train patients or family to modify packing, or arrange for the patient's packing to be changed as necessary. Cellulitis occurs most commonly in patients with diabetes or other diseases that interfere with immune function. I&D of a perianal abscess may event in a chronic anal fistula and may require a fistulectomy by a surgeon.


  • Universal precaution materials (gown, gloves, protective eyewear)

  • Sterile draping towels and sterile gloves

  • Local anesthetic (i% or ii% lidocaine with or without epinephrine)

  • ten-cc syringe and 25- to 30-gauge needle

  • Pare prep material (chlorhexidine [Hibiclens] or iodine swabs)

  • No. eleven or 15 blade and scalpel

  • Curved hemostats

  • Scissors

  • Packing (evidently or iodoform) ribbon gauze

  • Dressing (4- × iv-inch gauze pads and tape)


  • Palpable, fluctuant abscess

  • An abscess that does non resolve despite conservative measures

  • Big abscess (>5 mm)


  • Extensively big or deep abscesses or perirectal abscesses that may crave surgical debridement and general anesthesia

  • Facial abscesses in the nasolabial folds (chance of septic phlebitis secondary to abscess drainage into the sphenoid sinus)

  • Hand and finger abscesses should receive surgical or orthopedic consultation

Use circumspection with immunocompromised patients and diabetic patients; these populations may require more aggressive measures and follow-upward.

The Procedure

Step one

Prep the surface of the abscess and surrounding skin with povidone-iodine or chlorhexidine solution (see Appendix Due east) and mantle the abscess with sterile towels. Perform a field block by infiltrating local anesthetic around and under the tissue surrounding abscess.

  • PITFALL: The environment of an abscess is acidic, which may cause local anesthetics to lose effectiveness. Apply an appropriate amount of anesthetic, and allow adequate time for coldhearted issue.

  • PITFALL: Avoid injecting into the abscess crenel, because it may rupture downwards into the underlying tissues or up toward the provider.

Step 1

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Step 1

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Step 2

Make a linear incision with a no. 11 or 15 bract into the abscess.

  • PITFALL: The most common cause of abscess reoccurrence is an incision not wide plenty to promote adequate drainage.

  • PITFALL: Inform the patient before the procedure that scarring is possible.

  • PITFALL: Contents of the abscess may project upwardly and outward when it is incised, especially if local anesthetic was inadvertently injected into (instead of effectually) the abscess. Employ personal protective equipment to avoid self-contamination.

Step 2

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Pace ii

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Step 3

Allow purulent material from the abscess to drain. Gently probe the abscess with the curved hemostats to break up loculations. Attempt to manually express purulent material from the abscess.

Step 3

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Step 3

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Pace 4

Insert packing material into the abscess with hemostats or forceps. Dress the wound with sterile gauze and tape.

Step iv

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Step four

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  • Inadequate anesthesia

  • Hurting during and afterward the process

  • Bleeding

  • Reoccurrence of abscess formation

  • Septic thrombophlebitis

  • Necrotizing fasciitis

  • Fistula germination

  • Damage to nerves and vessels

  • Scarring

Pediatric Considerations

Skin abscesses in children should be approached the aforementioned way every bit for adults. Consideration should exist given to pediatric antibiotic dosing if choosing to treat the abscesses with conservative measures.

Postprocedure Instructions

The patient should exist instructed to go on the wound clean, dry, and covered with absorbent textile. If the abscess contains packing gauze, instruct the patient to remove packing material and repack the abscess every 1 to 2 days until the abscess cavity has resolved and packing materials can no longer be inserted into the abscess. If the patient does not feel comfy with repacking, direct the patient to a medical facility for repacking of the abscess every 1 to 2 days. Instruct the patient to change the overlying dressing in one case a day. Inform the patient that he or she may take over-the-counter pain relievers or prescription hurting relievers as directed for hurting.

Coding Information and Supply Sources

CPT Code Clarification 2008 Average 50th Percentile Fee Global Menstruum
10040 Acne surgery $124.00 x
10060 I&D of single or simple abscess $167.00 10
10061 I&D of multiple or complex abscesses $293.00 10
10080 I&D of pilonidal cyst, simple $191.00 10
10081 I&D of pilonidal cyst, complicated $350.00 10
10140 I&D of hematoma, seroma, or fluid collection $195.00 x
10160 Puncture aspiration of abscess, hematoma, bulla, or cyst $155.00 x
10180 I&D, complex, of postoperative wound infection $531.00 0
21501 I&D of deep abscess of cervix or thorax $820.00 90
23030 I&D of deep abscess of shoulder $764.00 10
23930 I&D of deep abscess of upper arm or elbow $694.00 10
23931 I&D of deep abscess of upper arm or elbow bursa $594.00 ten
25028 I&D of deep abscess of forearm or wrist $ane,257.00 ten
26010 I&D of simple abscess of finger $356.00 10
26011 I&D of complicated abscess of finger or felon $723.00 10
26990 I&D of deep abscess of pelvis or hip joint area $ane,265.00 xc
26991 I&D of infected bursa of pelvis or hip articulation area $1,279.00 90
27301 I&D of deep abscess of thigh or knee region $1,428.00 ninety
27603 I&D of deep abscess of leg or ankle $1,292.00 90
28001 I&D of bursa of the foot $423.00 ten
40800 I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma in the anteroom of the mouth, uncomplicated $249.00 10
40801 I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma in the vestibule of the mouth, complicated $568.00 10
41000 Intraoral I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma of tongue or floor of the oral fissure, lingual $309.00 x
41005 Intraoral I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma of tongue or flooring of the mouth, sublingual, superficial $339.00 ten
41006 Intraoral I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma of natural language or floor of the mouth, sublingual, deep $676.00 90
41800 I&D of abscess, cyst, or hematoma from dentoalveolar structures $337.00 10
54015 I&D of deep abscess of penis $644.00 10
54700 I&D of abscess of epididymis, testis, or scrotal space $663.00 x
55100 I&D of abscess of scrotal wall $575.00 10
56405 I&D of abscess of vulva or perineum $311.00 ten
56420 I&D of abscess of the Bartho lin gland $340.00 10
67700 I&D of abscess of eyelid $493.00 x
69000 I&D of abscess of external ear, simple $265.00 ten
69005 I&D of abscess of external ear, complicated $586.00 10
CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
2008 average 50th Percentile Fees are provided courtesy of 2008 MMH-SI'southward copyrighted Physicians' Fees and Coding Guide.

Standard skin tray supplies are shown in Appendix G. A suggested anesthesia tray that can be used for this procedure is listed in Appendix F. Skin preparation recommendations appear in Appendix E.



Blumstein H. Incision and drainage. In: Roberts JR, Hedges JR, eds. Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine . 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier;  1998:634.


Halvorson GD, Halvorson JE, Iserson KV. Abscess incision and drainage in the emergency department (part 2). J Emerg Med .  1985;3:295. [View Abstract]


Llera JL, Levy RC. Treatment of cutaneous abscess: a double-blind clinical study. Ann Emerg Med .  1985;xiv:15–nineteen. [View Abstruse]


2008 MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions, Inc.'due south Physicians' Fee and Coding Guide. Duluth, Georgia. MAG Mutual Healthcare Solutions, Inc. 2007.


Source: https://5minuteconsult.com/collectioncontent/30-156244/procedures/incision-and-drainage-of-abscesses

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